Tuesday 8 October 2013

Time to finish that project I started years ago....

Have we all done this? start something then put it down and never get around to finishing it, or leave it until it is no longer what we need, want or is fashionable? I started this skirt (I am embarrassed to say how many years ago) and have now, finally got around to finishing it. To be fair, I did make another just a few days before I started this one, but then just ran out of steam. The first one was made out of blue and white cotton fabric with a daisy print and looked like the sort of thing you might buy in the animal clothing range. I liked it a lot, it had a very casual feel to it. So, with spare fabric in another cloth I set about making another...
With the fabric already cut, all I needed to do was sew it together. First, the panels for the skirt and the lining having first adjusted the pattern so that the lining was attached to the interfacing.
I'm keen to recycle as much as I can, so I cut this zip out of an old skirt that was sent to the rag bag and stashed it away until needed.

Stitched the old zip into the new skirt.
Attached the lining and interfacing to the skirt.
Hemmed both skirt and lining.
Gave it a good press and voila!
I really shouldn't have left it for so long.....
So come on now, finish that project you started and put down. You'll feel so much better when you finally finish it. x

1 comment:

  1. I all too often do this. I have many sewing projects which I seem to leave for a while when I get to a tricky bit, or run out of time or something, and then when I get around to finishing them off, they weren't as tricky as I'd feared and I wonder why I didn't do them earlier.
